Friday, May 29, 2009

I love my job

It truly aint' everyday you see that phrase anywhere. Too many people are too unhappy with their jobs, and perhaps I am 'honeymooning' as my Bro puts it. But maybe, just maybe: I DO love my job.

As you all know, I have secured me a job: its a good one, one with minimum tension and a very light hearted, easy going approach. Environment is top notch -people are friendly, nice and generally fun-loving.

I have successfully survived 2 weeks, and so far, its been a blast. I write all day (and for me, there is nothing better), I disturb my colleagues, and I get to ogle some eye candy too. (Tee hee hee hee.) Work area is comfortable (though right behind editor and in front of CEO's office, gulp!) and there is abundance of free drinks. Work load gets crazy only Monday to Wednesday, and I am given a lot of free reign to do as I please, since my Editor leaves me on 'automode' (his words, not mine) most of the time anyway. So I abide by the rules, and he lets me arrange my own interviews.

Only downside? Its in the middle of nowhere, which is hard if, like me, you don't drive. Small downside. Small.

Can I gloat that I love my job? Sorry.

Anyway, took some pics while I was out this morning:

From the LRT, the sun was shining through the sky like a light from God saying HAHA YOU LRT SUCKERS; gorgeous, but I was too slow wid my camera, so the shot doesn't capture the full beauty (and glee of God of human bodies crushed inside a train).

From my house, just as the sun was rising. Gorgoeus colour.

And thats pretty much it. Expect more pics in my blog from now on -even more than when I first got my little Cybershot phone.

Now I upgrade edy. Muahahaha.

Buhbye now.

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