Tuesday, December 23, 2008

All American Rejects cover 'Womanizer'

Why Womanizer?

"Is it because of its deep political connotations? No. Its because we can do it better than Britney."

Absolute hilarity. Its so good/bad its inexplicable. I love AAR.


Friday, December 19, 2008

Come Out of the Shade

Was it love, or just something that reminded me of
Something that felt a lot like, but wasn't, love
Just friends, friends then, until the end
You know I still pretend, just friends.

Take a step and come out of the shade
I can tell you're no longer afraid
I'm helpless without your warming smile
Take a step and come out in the sun
I can tell it's already begun
I'm helpless without your warming smile

Was it love, I think it was but I'm far from sure
I'd never felt that way before, was it love?
Just friends, am I a fool to be asking for,
a fool to wish that we could be more than friends

Take a step and come out of the shade
I can tell you're no longer afraid
I'm helpless without your warming smile
Take a step and come out here in the sun
I can tell it's already begun
I'm helpless without you,
Helpless without you,
Helpless without your warming smile
Your warming smile 

The Perishers are a Swedish indie band - never heard of them until The Sims 2 played their song, 'Sway'. Came across this song while looking for more of their stuff, and I felt that this slow, sad song just caught my attention. This video is rather interesting, as well.

And I love this song, just because. ^^,

Friday, December 12, 2008

A Meme! After a loooong time

I found this meme in Avila's blog.

It was kind of cute, actually, since its alphabetical... never done one of those before. And not as repetitive as some... so yeah, I stole it ^^, And now I shall tag 5 ppl!

Here goes.......

A. Attached or single?

B. Best friend?
4+5+1 dog

C. Cake or pie?
Chocolate cake, pecan pie

D. Day of choice?

E. Essential item?

F. Favourite color?

G. Gummy bears or worms?
Neither, chocolate all the way!

H. Hometown?
PJ and Setapak.

I. Favourite indulgence?
Chocolate brownies

J. January or July?

K. Kids?
Right place, right man, right time, why not?

L. Life isn’t complete without?
Love. Oh, I know its cheesy but its true. Imagine life without it!

M. Marriage date?
Before I am too old to care.

N. Number of magazine subscriptions?

O. Oranges or apples?

P. Phobias?
Speed and big drains.

Q. Quotes?
'I Love Kant'

R. Reasons to smile?
Too many, just that no one takes time to remember them.

S. Season of choice?
We have seasons?

T. Tag 5 people.
Tag: Vic, Eileen, Christine, Li Mei and Bernard

U. Unknown fact about me?
I doubt there is any. *rolls eyes* I am open book.

V. Vegetable?
Not celery!

W. Worst habit?
Can't sleep without smelly pillow.

X. X-ray or ultrasound?
X-rayed for my wisdom teeth before

Y. Your favorite foods?
Pork-related foodstuff

Z. Zodiac sign?

And there you go. Kind of short and nice. Taggety tag!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I've been........


I wonder why I can't flip my hair and smile at a guy with the corner of my lips and with a teasing twinkle in my eye, the way I see so many girls do. Or more specifically, my sister. 

She's a flirt, that one. Belum sampai 3 bulan break-up dengan satu, sekarang sudah ada satu lagi.

Very the cepat. Very the super-cepat. Somehow she gets the guys wrapped around her fingers like ribbon.

I wonder what secrets she has. She tries to teach me (I always suspect she was supposed to be born first) but I can't seem to grasp the fundamentals of Girly 101. (Okay, so I take lessons from my YOUNGER sis! Anyone got a problem?????)

Take for example, and I swear this is an actual conversation, no kid, pinky swear, etc etc....

Sis: See, dude, the thing is with guys you gotta go strong with some hints... they very the stupid one... must give strong strong hints only can... short of saying it to their face only. But you can't do that, so it must be subtle AND obvious at the same time.

Me: Hah? Whatchoo mean?

Sis: Like this. If you wanna say 'I like you' must say something like, 'you make me happy', then you must smile and gaze meaningfully into his deep, brown eyes. (Okay I took some liberties with the script, so sue me.) Hints, see? Subtle but obvious.

Me: Hah? Whatchoo mean?

Sis: Aiyo. Take for instance you like someone. Just try to smile at him, make him feel good about himself, spend time with him....hold back a bit sometimes though...

Me*oblivious*: Hah? Whatchoo mean?????? 

Sis: ........................ hopeless. So the hopeless. 

Me: Hah? Whatchoo mean hopeless??

Sis: .......... I give up.

(I was having a particularly goblok moment, and I was distracted by chocolate milk. It wasn't until later that I realised what she was saying. But personally I don't think it works lor.... or does it? (comments on that would be most welcome!))

Then she thwacked me on the head (I thwacked her back) and we discussed her latest BF. 

Her latest squeeze is a rather buff guy. Quite good-looking. Tall. I personally don't find him attractive. Or even remotely funny, though he tries to be.

But he makes her happy, and he is very much in love with her, so thats fine by me. 

Still, like my sis said also: 

Sis: Dude, you are who you are, and f*** any guy who can't accept that.

Sweetest thing she ever said to me, sans profanity. That's why I love my family. They always think there is nothing wrong with me even though there clearly is something wrong. Hahaha.


Studying for exams is no mean feat, really. You have to ignore the calls of BFME, Sims2, Warcraft.... and then you have to force yourself to keep reading about outdated online features... (the book dates back to 1999, thats so sad) and then when you're done reading you have to face a paper you can't answer.

All in either blazing hot room or freezing cold exam hall.

Worse, you have to turn down potentially lucrative assignments. *sadness*

As if the punchline (exams) isnt' enough of a killer, the pre-punchline (assignments) evokes memories of sleepless nights (quite literally, because I finally pulled my first ALL-nighter. Solid 38 hours of no sleep) and mounting pressure and silent tension.

I hate that one. Silent tension. Can cut the air with a friggin knife I tell you. It hangs in the air like week-old socks. Horrible. 

Glad that its done and over with.

Question of the Day:

Why the HECK can't I turn the Bloody TV on???


Coz Daddy pulled the plug out. 

Bah. Spent 15 minutes panicking that the TV went busted this morning before realising Daddy musta have fiddled around and pulled out the plugs or summat.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Don't make me Super Bark you outta that tree! ~ Bolt.

Before I begin, please indulge me and allow me this silent, virtual squeal.




As you can see from the above picture, I have gone and seen Bolt, the latest Disney offering. After reading that it got some decent reviews from RottenTomatoes, I decided to take my sis to go see it. 

Verdict: Its Goooooooood.

Yes, it is. 

The story begins with Bolt, as a puppy (insert squeal) who is so unbelievably cute that I died right there in the first 3 minutes of the movie from sheer tak-tahan-ness.

I came back when Bolt started defeating evil bad guys; with a super-heat gaze, a Super Bark, superdog-strength, and laser stare. And best is -Bolt actually believes he can do all this, and that his owner, Penny, is really in trouble each time. And every single time, he believes he has saved her from the baddies. Of course, he isnt'. Its just a movie, though Penny does indeed love him.

As you can see, this causes some delusions, which is not helped by the fact that he has never been out of the set of the movie. When one day he finds himself out of the movie set, he is confused, lost and sets off to look for Penny. Throw in a smart-ass cat, a crazy hamster (the hamster goes on to steal the show at some parts) and you got the usual Disney heart-warming qualities, when Bolt finds himself as a true hero at last -and not a made up one.

Won't give any spoilers, but let me say the best parts of the movie are:

1) Bolt. Gila cute. Adorable as heck. 

2) Rhino the hamster. Watch the movie to see what I mean. This is one heckuva hamster.

3) The pacing. Very fast, but without being choppy. Good doses of humour thrown in too -not the kind of slapstick humour, but the good ol' LOL types. There is some sly humour here and there too, which really adds to the script -making it less cheesy and juvenile than any of Disney's recent efforts. 

Some decent animation (ain't got nothing on Pixar, truly) and some nice music, good scripting and it was extremely entertaining. 

I won't compare it to Wall E, or to Ratatouille. Ain't fair on it, coz I think this is Disney's best effort this year. I truly do. 

Worth watching on cinema? You betcha. Worth watching TWICE on cinema? YEAH! I know I would.

But thats coz I love dogs. Nyahaha.

So... in the end: 

Rating: B+  ^^,

This is a fat-ass logo of our Broadcast Journalism news network -Banana TV and Banana FM, under the Banana News Network wing. Just for the fun of it. Nyahaha. 

However, its been a wild ride -but its OVER Ya'll! Its DONE! Its FINISHED!


Now for exams. -_-.

Study group, anyone?

Monday, December 1, 2008

......am not exactly well, so this pic will have to do as an update

This amazing feat was achieved by the neighbourhood stray about a week or so ago, when I was in J's car with IS and on the way to the LRT. This particular stray is a permanent fixture on the streets of 13/6. He/she (can't remember) has been seen loping around the area every so often. How he/she managed to get up there, I don't know.

Somehow this mutt had an expression on its face that said: Goodbye, cruel world. Of course, it doesn't know its only atop a car. It won't actually perish by jumping off. However, I like to think it was thinking: Well now, nice view up here.
As I am writing this, I have a heavy head and an even heavier heart. A Panadol can take care of the first, but the second, I doubt even morphine would do the job. Unless you're talking about a VERY large amount of morphine. But I am being morbid again, aren't I?
I do that, from time to time. Lord knows my family is sick of it.
Anyhows. I seem to have caught the nasty (though not severe) viral fever my dad has. He was down with it for a day or two (the second day I suspect he was already well, except that he was pining for my mom -she's away in Penang) and he has been coughing too. Am keeping myself alert for the slightest tickle in throat -coughs are the worst. Fevers I don't mind so much. But coughs....
Didn't sleep last night, thanks to alternately shivering and sweating.
But work calls.
See you Tuesday guys, for online JR.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Today is my Mommy's birthday, and so, I have made a short slideshow presentation for her.

I would have uploaded it to YouTube, but to have the world looking at my Mom is a bit weird. At least here on my blog, chances of the WHOLE FRIGGIN' world looking at my video is less. Nyahaha.

Enjoy this first experimentation of mine on Windows Movie Maker. Heh. Don't laugh at the dodgy pics, okay?

Soundtrack: Cherry Sky by Sotte Bosse (I couldnt think of a more suitable one)

Pictures: mostly taken in Kijal.

Original poem: by me. Who else?

Take One...thousand and four.

As part of our wholesome and fulfilling education in our Uni, we are required, from time to time, to complete assignments which threaten our sanity and destroy our social lives.

There is, of course, absolutely nothing wrong with that: or the late nights and hours spent in front of a computer (or laptop, choose your poison, people) until our eyeballs are irradiated with dangerous rays.

Nothing wrong with the panda eyes and the lack of sleep time, toilet time and meal-times. Nothing wrong with all that. Nope. Nuh uh.

Since I love assignments so much (they're so great for my complete well-being) there is nothing that will bring me more delight than to dedicate an entire section of my blog post on it. Delightful!

This semester, we have the exciting and exhilarating job of producing not ONE news broadcast, but TWO news broadcasts. One for radio, and one for television. On top of that, we have to produce also a report of what we did during the production of said news broadcasts.

(Here, I would like to take a moment to thank my group members, IS and J - for their hard work and for our excellent teamwork. As many of you may know, I am sometimes difficult to work with. I tend to worry when its not appropriate, and go nonchalant when I should be worrying. I can do good work, but expect lots of fussing and emo-ing along the way. >_< )

Despite my sarcasm, don't let me fool you. I enjoyed this assignment. (horror!) Yes I did. I doubt that I was much help (besides flapping my hands about and making bloopers) but I can safely say that it was an experience.

As for another assignment, it involves building an online newspaper, and it is here that I take my hats off to MZ and M. I can't build a website to save my life. All I can do is write. Har har. It has taken a back seat to Broadcast, but I am working on it.

So, despite the late nights and the fuss, I am happily surprised that we made it on time (no SUPER last-minuteness) and churned out some decent work. Now let's hope we all survive this 70% weightage coursework.


I bit off so much more than I can chew.

I tend to do that a lot. Sometimes I stop and think, am I getting my priorities wrong? Shouldn't I be working on my assignments instead?

I think, this semester, I did. I neglected a lot of what I should be doing in favour for a chance to get money and fill up my resume with articles. I think many of you, dear friends, are nodding your heads. I know you think I am neglecting my Uni work, and that I deserve every bit of trouble I am having. And you would be right.

How can I ever explain why I do this even though I tear my hair out and go bonkers with all I have to do? How can I expect anyone to understand that its more than money, more than bylines, more than pride?

I can't, so I won't. But I reap what I sow, and so reap I shall.

...and its 2000 words this year.

Next year, it shall be 3000, followed by 4000... yes, again, my friends, NaNoWriMo is a failure.


Mainly because I ran outta steam, despite having a pretty okay idea in my head, and also because I found that I have so much other writing to do. Bah.

Sorry V dear. T-T Thanks for all your cheerleading, though. ^^,

So, thats all for this round. Now, on to more work!~

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Its a QU, my friends!

Just a quickie one; been super busy lately -will write a ridiculously long post when all this madness is over. But check out whats coming out next summer -err I mean, next post.

And.. we're rolling, take ONE! And Two! And Three! and Four! and Five! and OH DAMN I LOST COUNT.

Our BC JR assignments have been a crazy experience, hasn't it??? Full details on hopefully everything coming up soon!

What did you say? Debit cards? WHaaattttt????

Never have have I encountered so many challenges (which are good, actually, its experience) in ONE assignment. Or 7 of this ONE, to be exact. Full but indisclosable details coming soon, as well.

Contemplating my inability to complete a novel, ever.

Nanowrimo? An utter disaster, again. >_<

Till next post then. Please await with bated breath. I know I am. (trying this new thing called online-sarcasm......does it work?)

I guess not.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Kajang Trip and then some

Kajang Trip

~the delicious pork thingy returns! starring!
~aaaaaaaaaaaand BRA-man!

First, here is a fat ass photo of Bra-man, making his 'GODDAMN IT, I AM HUNGRY, HURRY UP WITH THE PICTURES' look. Not a very intimidating look, but extremely funny nonetheless.

From top: The delicious pork thingy, the chicken thingy, and the other chicken thingy.

The highlight of the entire trip, of course, was the food. What else?? It began in the morning, with a late breakfast-lunch at the aforementioned claypot place. Pork still as good as I remembered (gard darn it I am hungry again just thinking about this, and mind you, its now 12am in the morn) and the chicken was just as spicy as I remembered too. We ate hard, laughed at Bra-man's antics (don't we always?) and discussed all manner of inappropriate and appropriate things.

One more pic of the food.

We chilled out a lot at J's place, and as always, we played some PS2 and discovered whole new quotes for the semester.

I managed to bomb spectacularly at Lego Indiana Jones (but did not get bamboozled, at least, I was commiting suicide all by myself anyways) and even managed to soundly defeat both J and K at Tekken, FOUR FRIKKIN' TIMES!, before narrowly being defeated by J at last.

What did I do, against such prolific gamer guys? I button mashed. I used a character which J told me was easy to use. Indeed, she was. All I did was mash the X and square button. It was, indeed, frustrating at first to lose so spectacularly against them, but thanks to some timely tips by J and the God of the Button Masher, I managed to scrap some truly amazing walloping. Fun? You betcha!

We had initially decided to embark upon our pre-arranged Karaoke plans: only to find that Jusco Cheras Selatan was PACKED LIKE SARDINES IN A CAN and that Green Box would set us all back at LEAST 25 bucks each. Steep!

We were like o_O. So we switched tacks and went to a cyber instead. Turns out; the game selection was limited, and an EXTREMELY annoying kid was bugging Bra and J the whole time.

He kept going 'Bang nak main nak main' and demanded that we let him join us. He couldn't have been more than 12, I swear. What on earth are these CC ppl doing letting him in anyways??

In the end, Bra got so frustrated, we left after barely an hour. On the way back, Bra realised he left his lappy on, and dark clouds were gathering, and so he rushed back to switch it off.

Long story short, in the end, we played lotsa PS2, watched J install Red Alert 3 (while me n V watched Cry Baby, a truly cheesy and so-bad-its-good musical starring the VERY young and delicious Johnny Depp!), and talked over snacks a lot.

Then when dinner came, we were ravenous!!

Unfortunately, starvation prevented me from taking pix, har har. But here was the menu:

1) Kai Lan with salted fish


3) Fried sotong with salted egg.

4) Pork ribs in whatsitsname sauce. Pardon my bad Canto!

The veggies were merely a formality, if you ask me. Har har. What with three meat-eating men on the table.

The sotong was AWESOME SUPER. Light taste of egg, but with some heat to it. Ribs were good too.

Now, the BREATH FRIGGIN' FIRE fish turned out to be SISSY fish instead. Lol. After good training with Spicy Pan Mee, honestly, I think a handful of red chilli aint gonna faze me. Muahaha.

Still, the fish was good -fresh, no mud smell (I hate that about tilapia, the fishy, muddy smell, so usually I avoid tilapia, but this one was done just right), plenty of sauce (or soup, if u wanna call it that) and with plenty of hamchoy and tomatoes.

After a solid dinner, we ventured for SATAY KAJANG (what is a trip to Kajang without satay?) and had another second dinner. Hahaha. Though not so good as the popular one (which was giler crowded) it was fair enuff, better than KL satay anyway. Played around with Bra's newly-acquired laser pointer, which, gosh gracious, actually goes up to at least 50 feet.

Of course, he lost his sanity completely with it, pointing at passerby's asses. HAHAHAHAHA.

Oh yes...never forgetting...

A HUMUNGA DUNGA BIG ASS THANK YOU TO J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For dinner and for brunch.

All in all, yet another SUPER outing with the same four people (link to previous post under pic of Bra's funny face) and heck, I had not had so much fun in quite a while (save for that ridiculously funny game of Flatout). It was really good to kick back and enjoy myself for once.
.....and then the 'some' I mentioned.

Very pretty, very unnesccesary pics of my favourite wildflower on Melawati Hill.

Friday, October 31, 2008

It seems to me, that for the past few weeks, that my updates have been absolute 




No really. They don't really say anything, I haven't had an interesting tale to tell at all, and I actually have merely been typing just for the heck of updating. 


(I feel it is further confirmed by the fact that even V-sweetie have stopped commenting T_T And everyone else, for that matter.)


I feel the need to recover my writing again. I truly do. I read a particularly well-written post on J's blog (here) and I admit, I am shamed at how I've neglected writing properly in my blog. 


I should sit down, and think about what I am writing.


Writing; my heart feels heavy sometimes, because I now find little pleasure in it. I used to love the way the little black type collected together in little clumps to form ideas, thoughts and pictures. I can tell the whole world about anything at all –really, all I need is the right word.


And now the right words come like shy splatters of rain in blazing heat. They fizzle, just before they reach my fingers. I feel like a kaya bun with not enough kaya in me to even justify being named one. I feel like chocolate with no cocoa powder. I feel –alright, never mind. I am being melodramatic.


Oh, I could blame the lack of sleep. I could even blame the lack of brain activity. Mindless advertorials and tedious assignments have indeed, reduced my mental capacity to that of a six-year-old. I feel, however, a six year old would actually best me at reciting ABCs, because to my horror, I actually forgot mine. For a few seconds –I actually panicked. 


(A.   B. C… Holy cow, what comes next?? What???)


My Mommy dearest once said:


“If you write for a living you will find that it becomes, after some time, a tedious chore. Are you sure you want to take up so much freelancing? You will grow tired of it, even if you love it NOW.’


Mothers are right, you know. They always are. You think they are wrong, when first they speak ominous warnings.


But years later, when you’re older and wiser, you see how right they actually were –all along.


I had loved writing, much like a girl who loved a crush and thought about him all day and all night, before realizing that thinking about him so much is actually very tiring.


She would smile when she thought of him, she would treasure every moment spent with him. She would recall his every smile before she closes her eyes for sleep.


And upon waking, she would remember how he did something oh-so-cute the other day. About how she would smile at him with her heart in her eyes the next time she sees him. About her stolen glances (he would have a cute butt or something, something that she would find particularly attractive) and her melting heart.


Then she would realize, that he would always remain out of reach, and that he would always just be there as a good friend, and she would find the bittersweet truth in it to be painful, and yet come to be dependent on it.


After a long while, she would start to feel tired; exhausted by the mental exercise, of the tugging of the heart. It would be a chore to remember what he said that stole a piece of her heart. It would be painful and pleasurable at the same time to laugh quietly to herself at his jokes.


She still loves him, oh yes. She still loves him the way only a woman could love a man –a man who makes her happy, and who makes her feel like she’s special. She would never, ever, entirely give him up. But she is tired. It has become a chore to love someone who would remain so achingly close, but frustratingly distant.


He is my writing. He is my passion for writing. He is the pleasure I used to feel when I wrote for my eyes and my eyes only. He is the one I used to spend so much time with, just for the pleasure of his company. He never used to make me feel inadequate or stressed out. He was the one thing I could depend on to release whatever emotions that tore at my soul.


And now he has left. Should I chase him? Should I abandon all fatigue, and throw exhaustion to the winds, and run after him, calling his name and giving my heart out to him? Should I pursue my elusive lover with nary a care for my aching feet and broken heart?


I cannot tell if time would bring him back to me. I cannot tell if time will change his mind, and he will embrace me and truly, truly accept me at last. Or even if he would grant me the gift of his own self again.


Perhaps, deep down inside me somewhere, I am afraid. Terrified and scared to admit the truth.


Perhaps, just perhaps, I never had him at all, that he was never mine to begin with, and he was never there in the first place.


It’s a terrifying thought. A thought I would rather not ever see written, but I must write it down anyway –facing fears head-on is the best way to eliminate them, so they say.


I don’t agree. I beg to politely but most passionately differ. I think that fears are sometimes meant to be kept, to be tucked away in a mind-safe with a padlock. Fears that could unravel the very web you have built to make sense of the world and to fit inside it.


Foolish, aren’t I, then, to actually write this post? Foolish, and foolhardy, because even though I know that when I re-read this post I shall feel ashamed and embarrassed by my fears, I wrote it anyway.


I wrote it anyway. 

Sunday, October 26, 2008

And to make up for all my frequent QU's....

Let me be the first to admit that a 5-day absence in this little realm called Twisted Trainsistor is highly unusual of me. 

(You need a life, Pau-chan!)

                                                                             ..............(Yes I know)

In fact, its not that I don't want to; I've not had the time to: assignments, anyone? So anyways, its a Sunday, and I find myself with a little more than an hour to do nothing, and so I shall write a nice long post about, as always, 'absolutely nothing' -but a funny 'absolutely nothing'.

I hope. So we shall begin ya... Its gonna be a long one.....



Hum de dum de dum.

Ok, the end!

Muahahahahaha. No la. Ok Ok. Serious.

MPH Warehouse Sale

The Mph Warehouse Sale was a nice one. Most of the time they are worth going, truly, for there are plenty of good titles there going for cheap (I use cheap loosely, coz many times they're only cheaper by a few measly bucks, especially the super-popular titles) but the best is finding little-known gems for unbelievably low prices. 

One of my hauls was in a few posts previous (which is thanks to MZ), but a two-time trip to this sale yielded excellent results: 

Two books, from first trip:

The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak; a truly good book I have yet to finish but am enjoying it so far and Magician: Apprentice by Raymond E. Feist, whom I had eyed for some time but didn't pick up. RM 15 and RM 10 respectively.

Two art books, from second trip with J (perchance you may read about his book-splurge in his blog later, so I won't tell his tale here, nyahahaha):

The Complete Visual Companion to the Lord of the Rings (RM 10!!!!!) and Fantasy Art (also RM 10).

Very nice indeed, albeit now knee-deep in debt (again!)  and many thanks to J who saw me drool (in large amounts) on the two art books and thought it wiser to save me from myself with a timely loan. *nods nods* 

Indeed, books are my vice, my Achilles Heel, my Pandora's Box and my Ambrosia. A good book? Anytime baby, anytime. 

The LOTR Companion, sadly, proved to be rather a cheesy and melodramatic read -fit only for those who have not read the books, but wish to understand the movie better. It isn't the perfect visual companion to those who've read the books, though it is good enough for an hour or two of serious drooling. Still, at a price tag of RM10???? Am I complaining??? Hella no!

The Fantasy Art book, on the other hand, is an immensely intriguing read and visual pleasure. It even has some illustrations by Alan Lee, who famously illustrated for the Lord of the Rings centennial version and for Children of Hurin as well, and Chris Moore and Dave McKean, names I have seen here and there but can't seem to place. Sci-fi illusts, mostly. 

(Drooled over them both on the train on that day -I honestly think if I get any weirder I'd be arrested for crimes against public transport)

However, a clear indication that I need a life and NOW is that I got excited, yes EXCITED about going to the book sale. I was walking faster than I've walked in a long time and was just relishing the thought of being among books, books, books.

My sis said I was weird and gave me the same look you would give a person who just said
                      "I am into bondage so torture and tie me 'cause I've been baaaad". 

Not the best look to receive, for sure.


If my achy arms are anything to go by, I think I need to do it more often. The last time I blogged about a badminton game, Bra-man collapsed and removed his coverings (hahahaha) and made 'sweat angels'. This time, seeing that LM was around, Bra-man showed remarkable constraint. Muahaha. I now have a niiiice Cybershot and he does not go crazy enough for me to get some classic moments. Chish.

I am rusty. Too rusty. But hey, I am one of those super UN-competitive people when it comes to games and sports. The reason is because I know I suck at both. Hahaha. So my competitive streak disappears when I get behind the comp or behind the net, because if I am gonna lose anyway, I may as well have fun with it. 

However, I am hyper-competitive when it comes to other stuff; like eating...Yes. I am competitive when it comes to eating. I have a large reputation to protect ok?? Nyahaha. 

It was a really good game, nonetheless. And Holy Cow, M is great. GREAT! I swear I saw Kelvin see his life fly past his eyes when she swung her racket. Foosh! Foosh! Scary! Tennis arms la *shudder*


This semester is absolutely horrible. SEVERELY short deadlines and top it up with the extra-side stuff I do -it has been just awful. I need to play games sometimes. I need to read and read and read and draw (with 6 new colour pencils my sis just bought for me for a nice discount; RM 3 discounted to RM 2.2 each) and draw and do what I love to do but CAN'T. I also need sleep. Lots of sleep. 

I need to slow down on the freelancing. T-T Agh! FYP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*goes bonkers*

Ugh. Perseverence! 

Don't let me fool you though. I love what I do and I love the way my life is right now. There are things that will always bug me; but I am grateful that I have other stuff going on for me now that I never had before. 

I am also just waiting -I can wait for this one thing. I can wait because I think it's worth waiting for. I will wait because I know rushing things would make it go bad and I cannot bear to lose this. I will wait and see and let time tell, because time always tells. 

Its life, people! It sucks, it rocks and it's a hell on wheels, but dammit, I love it. For now. XP

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

So much is OFF

*bonks head*

Yes folks, its a quickie update. I shall start using the abbrevation, QU. -_-'

Been super swamped lately; assignments and more assignments beckons and sometimes I wonder where on EARTH did my 24 hours go????

Have been feeling slightly off too -kind of like colour that was stronger but faded away with the rain and too much bleach.

- not sick, but just off. You know? Like I am not myself. Turns out I am so blur its not funny. Turns out my life is just as off as the rest of me. 

Why, when everytime something goes well, something else goes spectacularly BONKERS?

Can't even fathom how sometimes I can't sleep at night because my stupid brain decides to start working suddenly. 

Stupid things, stupid hopes, stupid wishes. I should start imagining sheep -little fluffy sheep- flying across my ceiling instead.

Lately, all I have been up to is typing, more typing and lots of stupid worrying. And as often as I can, BFME2. Though that too, is rare, now that the boys have gone off it too. 

Am I off my rockers? You betcha.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ladies and gentlemen, finally, a good use for my little Cybershot phone. ^^, Pics! and an update on my Kijal trip last week, on the 10th, 11th and 12th of October (yes, just before classes started again).

So now, tanned and marvellous, I bring to you, the WONG FAMILY KIJAL TRIP!!!!!

Just passing the Karak highway. Karak. Nyeh. Small town with lotsa potholes.
It began with a 5-hour journey past little towns and endless highways, in a car built for rough terrain and macho men but certainly not squishy butts.

Testing out how far I can stretch me ol' Dino's patience by clicking around in the car, which annoys him no end. Muahaha. Very dangerous waters, that.

After several stops along the way, finally arrive at Awana Kijal, Terengannu. The lobby is really nice, actually, with a sort of open-air concept. There is also a huge dolphin fountain in the middle of the lobby, which looks oddly childish, actually, but gives a more friendly feel.

However, though the hotel is lovely, and the food is rather nice (at least the pastries, which go for 50% off after 9pm) I have ONE (just one, yes) HUGE gripe. This:

And the Ugliest Tong Sampah Award goes to......

The world's friggin UGLIEST tong sampah. Seriously. It is scattered all over the hotel, reducing a five-star to a four-star in about two seconds. However, much is redeemed by this Giant Chess set (which was THE thing waaaay back when I first stayed at Awana, back in 1995, methinks) which I think is still the coolest thing ever. Hee hee.

Ready, knights!
Still, the hotel is a Golf and Beach resort, and their golf course I hear is quite the thing. Dunno about that, but I like the look of it anyway.

Whacking small balls with big stick. How nice for golfers.

But, the highlight of the beach, well, is the beach! Lol. Thankfully, in Kijal, it remains clean and super gorgeous. Would have loved to have caught a photo of the school of fish I saw leap out of the water like silver flashes. It was something out of National Geo, I swear. Once in a lifetime thing.

Still, here are pics of the beach!

The nice clean sand and blue salty sea that makes you splutter and spit. Super nice.

Taken from behind the benches on the beach, I like those benches. Uncomfortable, but nice to sit and enjoy the wave and breeze and sea-sounds.

This is the left stretch of the beach, which is in total about 3-4 km long.

The right side of the beach, to which there is a jetty at the faaaaaar end (seen a bit in next pics)

More piccies of the beautiful, beautiful sea.

Aha! Another thing that always get me giggly is hermit crabs. Love their little scuttly ways.

See those little claw-prints?

The Wong family congregation. Left to right, bro, sis-in-law (in blue), younger sis (in skirt), mommy dearest and Dino dearest, who seems to be gesturing at something. I don't know what.

My mom and dad were walking hand in hand along the beach, just like they did 30 years ago. So chewt. Hahahaha. We caught 'em ala paparazzi. XD

So, we've reached the end of my post for a very nice holiday which I enjoyed very very much. ^^, Man I love my phone. I leave you to comment on the pic quality and pic composition! Do leave comments on the pics!

Goodbye ya'll

Sunday, October 12, 2008

~pre-Kijal trip blog update~

Back from Kijal, no incidences worse than forgetting my shampoo, har har.

Will update as soon as I get my pictures (almost 60 of them!) uploaded!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Quickie Update (again)

~ I swear if these quickie updates become a regular thing, someone bonk me on the head and poke me in my ribs~

I've been a-battling.

I have been totally into Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth 2. I can safely say I am getting better, thought have yet to complete a game with Bra-man. 

Favourite unit: Elven archers. 

Stupidest units: Elven cavalry.

Its an awesome game, though there are some buggy things about the game, especially when controlling the batallions in a multiplayer game. Hmm.

Gives me a HUGE kick to recruit Legolas. Muahahaha.

When he arrives he goes: I am Legolas, of the Woodland realm. And I go: 


 ...........and melt to a puddle of Goo. 

I love recruiting Legolas.

Though honestly, I think Aragorn dies like a chicken. A few arrows and he goes down. Its rather -_-'.

Anyways, peeps; will be in KIJAL, Terengganu from Friday to Sunday, for the SUN! the SEA! the SAND! the STARS!

No Moons, please.

Will NOT be lugging Christian around. *sobs uncontrollably.*

So if you urgently need to reach me, for some life-changing advice from my store of immense wisdom (no la, hahaha) please call me. You know the drill (and number)!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just a Quickie update

This is a pic I took from Melawati hill, just around sunset. The sky was so pretty I nearly had to climb over the fence to take a good shot. Heh. But since I weigh roughly about a gazillion pounds climbing of any form eludes me; hence, 3x zoom to the rescue!!!!!~


Finally bought me a pair of speakers, though I overestimated the size of my room and realised my room is a tiny box which bodes ill for any form of sound-related pleasures. -_-'

Reason? Lifting the speakers higher makes the sound sound awesome. Putting it on the table makes it echo-ey. -_-'

My room is a tiny box of 6 by 6. Yeah. 

Still, it is my room. Beggars cannot possibly be choosers!

So, to solve my problem....

Y'know what they say. When life hand you a lemon, make lemonade, when life hands you manga (mangga) make a manga tower. 

Please note the manga stacked up. Hahahahaha.

Hee hee hee.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ice Skating, Ice Yoghurt-ing, and Many Other Things.

What do you get, when you throw one Whale out of water into ICE, instead? Why, you get:
WHaLe on IcE: ThE NeW hiT MusiCaL!

Featuring......*drum roll* ... Moi!~

The three of us before entering the rink of pain (this pic courtesy of V!)

The rink in Sunway, with two pros in it at 10.30am

My 'ticket'. Which should have read: ABSOLUTE NOOB, instead of NORMAL.

Once V dearest gives me the pics she took of me slipping and sliding and falling I shall upload it here. Hee Hee. ~UPDATED!!!!~ here are the pics

This is me on my ass on the first fall (pic also courtesy of V)

Me clinging on to the sides while J zoooooooms by. So to speak. Haha. (pic also from V ~^^,)

So, we arrived at around 10, 10.30 am and the rink was mercifully empty. MZ and M had already gone off to Lagoon, so it was just the four of us: me, J, K and V. (like always). Ice was nice, and three or four pros were in there doing jumps and flips and zooms and all manner of ice-capades and seriously impressive things. My jaw was open.

J, K and V led the way as I followed somewhat wide-eyed, being an utter first timer. When I got hold of the shoes I was like 'holy crap-a-holic', I am going to slip, fall, and impale myself upon narrow, sharp slices of metal posing as shoe-soles.

Turns out it was fairly easy to balance upon them... on solid ground, that is. Not on slippery (and very painful) ice.

I stood there, just by the entrance of the rink, with my tail tucked firmly between my legs as I realised just how slippery ice is. And with shoes with narrow, sharp slices of metal poised to impale me. K and J were like 'oh, get your ass in here' and I was like 'holy crap I paid 20 bucks for this! oh please god no!'.

But at last, my courage returned, I stepped in .........

...................................................................... and promptly fell a total of three times.

On my arse. Hahaha.

But although I was hanging on to the sides for the first 2 hours, by the last hour I pretty much got the hang of it. I started getting slightly braver, and skating out to the middle (which resulted in the third and most painful fall).

The trick, it seems, is to dig the front part of the shoes in the ice on one foot and slide along on the other. Easier said than done, and this is one of those never-truer words to say. Finding your balance on the ice is horribly diffcult but good news is, once you get it, it gets much easier from then on.

Next time I go, I am gonna practice properly. Aha. But, boy oh boy, it was the MOST FUN I had in a long time!!!!!~

By 2-something the ice got truly way too slippery for a noob like me, and I was feeling the last fall (hee hee) and we were all pretty much tired (J was sweating buckets! Haha), so decided to call it a day. Besides, the shoes were pinching our feet like mad and K was hungry.

So we went off to eat XXL chicken (due to my budget constraint, sorry amigoes!) and then off to Yogur-berry, which, thankfully I didn't like the Yogur after all, because if I did I'd be completely addicted. Hahaha.

Rather nice decor, no?

From left: J, V and some dude with a crazy pose which I refuse to acknowledge! (no la, its K) Hahaha. Also in the pic, UPWORDS (which was fun and supplied by Yogurberry) and the remnants of my rather nice choc cake.

So, after lunch and dessert, we headed back to MZ's apartment for dinner, games and penalty drinks.

Was in J's car and could not resist taking a pic of his bro's twisted idea of a joke:

no, monkey no!

Monkey humps Spidey. Poor Spidey. .
Unfortunately, I didn't have the sense to take pics of MZ's HORRIBLE PENALTY DRINK while we played Guesstures (something like Charades) and 21.
It consisted of:
Bitter gourd. Chili padi. Red capsicum, green capsicum, coriander. Strawberry syrup. And a whole lot of stuff which in the end ended up tasting actually like steamboat chili (in the words of J) but had the most god-awful aftertaste ever.
Bleargh! I chose booze!
Lol. M has this wicked tasty cocktail concoction of ingredients she wouldn't tell. But it was nice, and not all too potent. So it was nice. Tasted like blueberry juice. Didn't even taste the booze.
Hee hee.
A truly tiring but awesome, awesome day. Went home at about 8.30pm, got home at 9.30 or so, and slept till 11 the next morning. Hehe.
Hey guys? Lets do this again!
Short afterword: To Bra-man! Happy birthday, and truly sorry you werent' there! But next time, ok?? We go sing Karaoke!! Take care and drink lotsa fluids!
*prepares video recorder on phone*

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I rather like taking pictures up in Melawati Hill: this one I thought had an interesting angle to it. This one I shot just as the sun was going down, and my mom was a-yelling at me ~

Mom: Aiyo, Bibi, its getting late la stop taking pictures la!
Me: Yeah la yeah la! Waittttt~!

 I think I irritate my mom a lot, haha. 

-yet another shot, of a tree I thought looked lonely. 

I particularly like taking pictures of light^^, shining through trees and with all those pretty rays spreading out.


Worry Wait

Have you ever woken up and thought, with infinite certainty, that one day your parents will get old and leave you?

It's not a thing you think of in the cold morning air, with the eye-goop sticking to the corners of your lids and with your breath stinking like your dog's.

It's not a thing you think of at all. Somehow we expect our parents to live forever and ever and ever, and always be there to hand out advice and orders and infuriating nags which you will miss when it goes away for a few days.

I know for a fact, that I still think my parents are hale, hearty and will outlive me and my weakness for fatty pork and all manner of heart-stopping foodstuff will surely be my end, my can of worms, my death-knoll. 


I expect them to live forever, till the cows come home at last towing along their chickens and ducks. 

But they won't. And I see it now; my mom's health problems, by dad's false scare (which still prompted him to stop smoking so all is good) and the way they have been falling sick.

I worry. I worry wait. I worry and worry. 


He Aint Heavy, He's My Brother.

I miss my brother. I worry for him. I worry about him. I miss him immensely. 

I wish he'd come back and be my brother again, not some stranger. I miss him; I miss how when things went wrong I could go and cry to him and he'd make stupid jokes and I'd be alright again.

I miss his plump, squishy shoulders -perfect pillows on long distance.

I miss him caring for me and looking out for me, and I regret complaining back then that he was overprotective.

I guess, truly, you don't appreciate what you have till its gone. 

Its cold. Its late. I think I shall go to sleep now.