Thursday, June 25, 2009

There has to be something interesting I can write here -but the fact of the matter is, I've got nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zip. ASTALAVISTABABY.

I have no idea how that last exclamations fits inside this blog post.

I was toying with the idea of putting up a a short story here but my ideas have run dry, much like the River of -nevermind.

Meeting up with V and K this Sunday, can't wait, because I ain't seen them in what, a month?? Sad. Very sad. Plus with the fact (I announce here first ahhh) I AM NOT GOING FOR OUR GRADUATION CEREMONY.

No one is going to stop me. Because I can list you EASILY at least five good things about NOT going for the Graduation Ceremony.

First: I won't have to sit through hours of the MOST BORING old people in the world talking about what a bright fututre we are going to have, and the impact we will make in the working world.

Because I already know I am going to have a future that is semi-luminescent (at least) and if I work hard I can make an impact anywhere. Don't need to pay some old coot to tell me that.

Second: I can put that RM300 (roughly) to good use -and the use DOES NOT involve playing dress up in a robe that will be a) dusty, b) ill-fitting, and c) smell slightly like old people and cupboards.

I can use the money to pay for my transport as I go about MY JOB. Thanks very much.

Third: I refuse to be involved in something that requires me to pose, smile and be permanently frozen on a photo. End of story. Because I hate being photographed, and I refuse to bend to ceremony.

Fourth: Its a WTF. I STILL have to pay RM198 for my certificate, so no need to add to the expense. I refuse to indulge in sentimental, traditional ceremonial mumbo jumbo.

Fifth: I do not need to go to the convocation to meet up with my friends or say goodbye! I don't even NEED to say goodbye. There is something called Facebook, you know. And MSN. And Yahoo. *rolls eyes*

I know there will be some horrified gasps. I don't bleedin' care. I dare you all to try and change my mind. HAH. J has already tried and was unsuccessful.

Ahem. Anyway.

So back to my ideas -of which I have none. I want to write a good short story someday but I reckon I would need a good story first. I have yet to have lived long enough to decipher the meaning of life -and in fact, I don't think I ever will.

But I damn well will try. ^^,


I think I do need to post up some explanations for my silly 'How well do you know Pauline Wong' Quiz. Heh. Lotsa you scored kinda low -but wait! Its no fault of your own!


a) My favourite colour is blue, so for those who got this wrong very the sweat lor. Hahaha.

b) I listen to Coldplay obsessively, but they're not the only people I listen to: I like mostly alternative bands and any and all epic score from movies. In fact, some of you may know that my favourite piece of music ever is Vide Cor Meum from Hannibal.

c) If I were to run out of a burning house -I would never leave Christian behind! Books I can buy again, but if wallet don't bring along, how can I do that? Lol. Replacing books is easier than IC and bank cards. And my dog, well, K is right, she can run, but she isn't the smartest dog to have existed, and would probably go lick the flames instead of running away from them.

d) I absolutely adore the Bridget Jones series, and I hated Elizabethtown, which is an Orlando Bloom movie. It was boring and even his puppy dog eyes couldn't save the show. Johnny Depp I love too but I don't love eveything he was in.

e) I would NOT eat chocolate for a month non-stop! NOBODY can eat one type of food for a month NON STOP! LOL.

f) I have always secretly wanted to be a guy -though V points out I hang out with them long enough to know what THAT is like. Haha. But for a DAY, I would wanna be a guy. This is because I've always wanted to know how it would feel to be able to burp, fart and be disgusting and totally hilariously funny just for a day and get away with it. Girls can never get away with doing things like that.

Btw, I want to be a famous novelist for LIFE. Heh.

g) I am always, first and foremost, attracted to a guy by his humour and his laugh. Its sad, but there you go. Its always the funny guys that get my attention, because there is nothing so good as a guy who can make me laugh, and likes to laugh. What kind of laugh, you say? Simple: a good, hearty one that is not fake or forced.

h) I am known for nothing at all, really. If you were to ask me what I were known for I'd say nothing, though in fact, people usually associate me with two things: tall and funny. But hence the hint: think of what I would say.

i) My greatest fear is the death of someone I love. I am deathly afraid that harm would befall my family, or my friends. My angry Dino I can handle. Eventually he'll forgive me and sayang me as always. (I am his favourite, after all, hahaha.) But losing my family? Or my close friends?? Never. It scares the heck out of me just thinking of it. Snakes don't even come close.

j) Ehe, I do admit I put questions 12 and 8 just to mess with you guys. NYAHAHAHA.

So thats it la. I am glad to know that most of you weren't at all far off. I heart you guys! ^^,

Bye now.

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