Saturday, August 1, 2009

My Solitary Heart

Poetry, really, is never my strong point.

I detest the romanticism (meh) and although I rhyme once in a while (story-wise) I have this thing where I try to be too literary to rhyme. Heh. Macam real. But this poem (sorta) came out of a time when I was feeling particularly lonely, and had some of the saddest songs playing on my Winamp.

I was also, stupidly enough, in serious 'like' with someone I have since come to terms will never feel the same way. And thats fine. Because hor, I have my eye on someone else hor, happens to be - ahem. Never mind. *sheepish* Anyway.

So here it is, I posted it because I felt this one had such a strange melancholy to it, which is quite unusual of me. (Comments, as always, are welcome.)

Just don't ask me who the poor guy is. *ahem*

My Solitary Heart

How would it feel to love you so much it hurts?
My solitary heart, in a fragile glass case wondered:
and wondered silently I did.
How would it feel to give myself to you?
To love you so deeply it consumes every fibre of my being?
What would it be like to immerse myself inside your heart,
to be caressed by your warmth, to be enfolded in your welcoming arms?

Would you hear my beating heart,
and put your hands against it?
would you take my heart, my hands, my soul,
and see my love inside it?
My solitary heart wonders and longs for yours,
And silently I pine.

How would it feel to have your hands on mine?
How would it feel if you gently kissed my brow?
My solitary heart desires; and can stay silent no longer,
Would you accept my heart or crush it beneath your fingers?

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