Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Streak of Colour in the Sky

There Will Be Train. Its a new movie.
I took this picture as I was waiting at the Ipoh KTM station just Monday. A story to tell for another day, is Ipoh. It isn't as dark as it looks -I used my 'sunset' function to bring out the twilight look. I find it somewhat romantic.

I just took this, a few hours ago, in the car. Amazing streak of vermillion in the sky. Couldn't help but freak out my bro as I frantically whipped out my camera.

Better view of the sky. I just wish I weren't in the car! Couldn't set off my flash so the pic is not as crisp as it is supposed to be.

Dude, Where's My Food?

A funny pic of a cat. I saw it washing itself and took out my camera for fun. It gave me such weird poses! This one had such an expression to its' face I couldn't help posting it up. Its like saying: "Yeah homey. What up."

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