Tai Lung: You.. can't... defeat me.. You're just a big, fat panda!
Po: I am not a big, fat panda, I am THE big fat panda!
Having trouped off to GSC on Friday with my sis (towing along RM75 worth of vouchers for Coca Restaurant, which, I will explain later, is not enough for a decent dinner), I had expected good things about Kung Fu Panda because it came to highly reccomended by pals K and J.
It turned out to be a highly-entertaining, riotuously funny, wildly amusing and all-round great movie that once again, Dreamworks has churned to delight the likes of us.
After the disappointment that was Shrek 3 (and horror! Shrek 4 is in the works) Dreamworks has come out with a winner that may hopefully take away my memories of the disastrous Shrek 3.
I mean, having loved 1 and 2, 3 was a slap in my face.
But I digress.
Back to Kung Fu Panda.... it was hilarious from the beginning to the end, with multiple 'cha tou' moments. It had kung fu action, talking animals, cool animation and some nifty soundtrack. It boasted a stellar cast of voices (including the guy from The Green Mile! Lol. He was the prison guard rhino dude) and had a plot that was good, even though it didnt allow for much character development. But ah well, I ain't complaning coz it was
RM 4 per ticket. I love 2-for-1.
And it had some impressive scriptwriting (dialogue-wise) too. My verdict? A-minus. Definitely worth a watch, and definitely worth watching in groups of people or with a younger sibling.
A Thai-Style Meal
Well, to be honest, I have never actually eaten Thai food (I am adverse to all things spicy, though lately I find myself being rather daring.... preparing for Spicy Pan Mee perhaps?) so I shall say it be a Thai-style meal.
And since my sister loves taking pics of food (she was snapping away at my food when we went Chili's) she insisted on pics so here they are:
Something funky RM 16.90
and two appetisers: Spring Rolls (RM11.90) and Fried Dumplings (RM11.90)
Total bill: RM 94.12. So with the vouchers its RM 20 for the two of us.
However, the helpings were only moderate and it was, quite honestly, an overpriced meal. My sis's noodles were good, very good, very very very spicy and sour and had nice prawns in it. Still, it remains my firm opinion that this restaurant is overpriced (though the food is pretty good) and anyway, its more popular for its steamboat. Still, not my thing, will probably never go there again, and for desserts....
Half-A Dozen Big Apple Donuts.
Love 'em. Love 'em.
But anyways, it was a great outing because its been a while since I went with my sis for an outing.
It is perhaps just me being a masochist but I feel that sometimes, between sisters, all can be forgiven because in the end of the day, family is number one.
I guess most people would never understand how I can put up with the endless headaches my sister gives me. Or the endless heartaches.
Soft-hearted? Perhaps. I find myself unable to stay angry at anyone for long. There are exceptions, mind, but generally I find myself to be too much of a pushover.
But all the same, I think in the end of the day, my belief in the compromise will see me through!
Goodnight, all!
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