Thursday, August 28, 2008

*hyperventilating from sheer ecstasy*

*Deep, deep breaths.*

It has happened, people. My patience has paid off. My self-will has paid off. From resisting the 20% off promo at Kinokuniya, to the gift card I got for Borders, to the paper back version at RM 49.90. I resisted them all. And the result:

Yes, people. It is The Children of Hurin by J.R.R Tolkien. A book I've been lusting after for some time, but have put off due to monetary constraints, since it is, after all, priced at nearly RM80. Hard back with illustrations (as above).

MZ found it in the MPH warehouse clearance for an unbelievable, amazing, unimaginable, glorious, marvellous, phenomenal price of:

Your eyes are not lying to you. It is true. RM 19. RM Friggin 19!!!!!! Its a miracle!!!!!

Besides that also, in the stack:

~ Smokes and Mirrors by Neil Gaiman (RM 24.40)

~ The Abhorsen Trilogy boxset by Garth Nix (RM 48.90) (!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Fantastic haul, mi amigos. Fantastic haul.

I also bought The Good Fairies of New York, by Martin Millar: a quirky little book that I am thoroughly enjoying. ^_^ RM 24.53. From Kinokuniya.

This week alone: RM 110 on books. I am BROKE as hell and knee-deep in debt.

But is it worth it?? HELL YEAH!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A picture taken while walking out to buy ciggies for Dad, just outside my house. A streetlamp, see. I like taking pics of light and rays of light. Turned out okay I guess. On VGA only. Night mode rather grainy but it looks nice enuff.

I purposely took a blurry shot of this, kind of like my eyes blurring, with unfocused thoughts. I rather like blurring effects though it probably is to photography what chocolate chewers are to me. Heh.

Similiar to the first one, but from a different angle. I really like pictures of lights and the way the rays shoot out like that.
'Lefou, I'm afraid I've been thinking....-'
'A dangerous pasttime-'
'-I know.'
- Gaston and Lefou, in Beauty and the Beast (1991, Disney)
See, I've been thinking. Its a dangerous past time, yes, truly.
When one thinks too much, one tends to work oneself into a frenzy of assumed what-ifs and other such distressing and confounding thoughts. Such are my thoughts lately.
And like a paper cup that's too full and disintergrating at the edges, so is my brain and sanity.
I hate the what-if s and regrets that come along when thinking of something. Perhaps, really, I should stop thinking.
Put on your Sunday clothes when you feel down and out
Strut down the street and have your picture took
Dressed like a dream your spirits seem to turn about
That Sunday shine is a certain sign
That you feel as fine as you look!
Beneath your parasol, the world is all a smile
That makes you feel brand new down to your toes
Get out your feathers, your patent leathers
Your beads and buckles and bows
For there's no blue Monday in your Sunday...
No Monday in your Sunday..
No Monday in your Sunday clothes!
'Put on your Sunday clothes - Hello! Dolly'
We should all do that. ^^ Lets just take out our best clothes and wear them to school 'cause we feel like it. Wear it with your favourite earrings and favourite shoes.
And strut down the street, but don't have your picture took cause these days, an innocent pic of you in your best clothes can become the pic of you in your birthday clothes ^^.
Tee hee.
And thats all for today, folks

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wall-E : The most adorable character ever since... never. This little robot takes the cake in cute-ness and adorable-ness and heroism.

Never has there been a character so adorable, so likeable, so heroic and so damn CUTE since....well, no one.
Wall E is Pixar's latest offering for the little kid in us. While Ratatouille was in a sense more mature, Wall E is aimed straight at the little child in all of us.
From the beginning of the movie to the end of the movie, you will be involved in every move he makes, every expression he conveys through his robotic 'voice' and his wonderfully expressive eyes.
You may even start to squeal, giggle and melt into a puddle of goo. I know I did.
I also know of a few people who thought it was boring. And stupid.
(Those people are stick-in-the-muds with no lives and 20 cats. Hmph!)
I cannot reveal much more of the plot, lest I end up spoiler-ing those who walk into my blog, but I can say that once again, Pixar has not disappointed and has gone on to up the bar and breathe down Disney's and Dreamwork's necks.
(More like kick their asses, but we shall refrain from being mean. After all, Enchanted was nice, but nothing fantastic, and Kung Fu Panda was entertaining but nothing awesome either)
Go. Watch. Wall. E.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A sunset shot taken atop Melawati Hill

A very nice shot, I think, though I think my 'photofix' function ruined it a bit.

*contemplates flaw of handphone*

But ah well. Although my phone does not take pictures as nice as,say, a K810 or K800, it looks much better than those two. Ehehehe.

Still, I like this shot. If you wanna see the original just ask me next time you see me. :)

I've been sick.
Like, hungover dog sick. I've got a clogged nose, clogged ears, and an annoying cough that won't go away but stays as a nasty tickle in my throat. Add to that a strange drowsiness (could be the cough meds).
I hate being sick. I know, I know, who doesnt, bla bla, but I mean, I really really hate getting sick. It makes me feel pathetic, and I am of those stubborn types who refuses to believe that they are sick and just insists on ploughing on.
I can't fall sick. Not when I have so much to do:
I think, I really do think, I have taken on too much.
Call me ridiculous, but I cannot take the idea of turning down a single writing job. One, I need the money, two, I need to build a resume. I need to build an impressive resume too.
Because I have neither enough money to get overseas to do what I want to really do, neither do I have great brains (CGPA 4.0? Impossible) nor do I have great looks to allow me to become a glamourous model and forget writing for a living.
And most importantly, I love to write. Its the only thing I do well. I sometimes have no idea if it is because I love writing that I am good at it, or that I am good at it thats why I like it.
:) Still, I do love it, and so I will jump at any chance to do it.
I've been contemplating.
Contemplating a sort of feeling I use to have in my heart, which is now no longer there. Feelings for two men in my life: both whom are very close to me and my soft soft heart, and like it or not, have an inexplicable effect on me.
I sort of feel a sense of loss; this feeling that I had for both of them is now gone from my heart - though perhaps not gone, merely replaced as if they were a memory I knew a long time ago.
I used to love them both so so much. Now I feel that they are so far away from me, as if they were morning dewdrops: I had loved them (and still do) but they're gone now. Distant.
My feelings are no longer as strong, and somehow I regret that they've faded. I miss them somewhat: both my feelings for them and them as well.
I miss you guys, even if you don't know I do.
I miss one of you most of all. You who have been there for me for so long. I want you back: I haven't 'seen' you in years.
Perhaps it is distance, perhaps it is separation. I've been separated from you for some time now. I am clingy, yes, but I miss you, and I wish you'd be there for me again.
Being physically there is different from being mentally there. You've been physically here for me, but mentally, you're a million miles away.
Come back. Please.
As for you. I am still waiting.
I've been busy.
This is the calm before the storm. So here I blog first, before the storm hits.
Goodbye folks. :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


1. Are you in a complicated love situation?

Christian went to sleep and refused to wake up, and I had to forcibly shut him down and turn him on again, only to have him lag when he finally recovered. So yeah, I am in a complicated love relationship. T-T

(I am so the calling Dell today!)

2. Do you hate more than 3 people?

Now, if I told you that it would take all the fun out of guessing who I hate, no?

3. The last thing you drank?

Water. Just plain warm water because I am having one of those irritating half-coughs.

4. Do you like beer?

Never had it. So I wouldnt' know :)

5. Is anyone in love with you?

Sure. Maya loves me. Christian loves me though he has troubles performing. (tee hee)

6. Pepsi or sprite?

Neither. Light Coke, baby, LIGHT COKE!

7. Do looks matter?

Is the Earth round? Is my hair black? Am I 5 feet 11 inches tall? Does the Sun reside in Jalan 51/217? Do LOOKS MATTER??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??

8. What did you do last night?

Played Wah-jong on Viwawa. :) I is teh sucketh at it.

9. Nick name?

Whales, Goblok, Pau-chan..... the list goes on.....

10. If you had a super power, what would it be?

To be able to zap every irritating, body-molesting, boob-jabbing, ass-knocking idiot in the LRT into little microscopic particles of dust and thus rule the entire train.

11. Are you thinking about somebody right now?

Sure. All the time. Three guesses as to whom. Nyeh.

12. Ever called somebody Boo?


13. Are you happy with your life right now?

Yeah, sure. I heart my new phone, I heart my Mommy, I heart my Daddy... I still heart my sis although she drives me mad.... I have good friends....

14. Do you like your hair?

YES. But it needs a trim. Its like a jungle up there.

15. Does anyone like you?

Sure. I am sure that somewhere out there, there are people crazy enough to like me. XD

16. Are you afraid of the dark?

*whistles* Hmm?

17. Have you ever broken someone’s heart?

Never. That I am sure.

18. Can you cook?

CAN I COOK???? IS THE EARTH ROUND? IS THE - *ahem* Yes. I can cook.

19. What do you want more than anything right now?

Sims 2 expansion packs. Especially the 'Pets' one. I waaaaaant.

20. Relationship or one night stand?

Relationship, duh, and I answered this before....

Second Tag

Can you answer this without lying?

Sure. Uh huh.

21. Whats the last thing you put in your mouth?

Cough mixture *swig, swig.* *surreptiously hides bottle*

22. Have you ever kissed anyone with a name that started with S?


23. Last person you rode in a car with under the age of 22?

My sister.

24. Can you play Guitar?

No. Air guitar also no. Organ? Yeap.

25. Name someone that made you laugh today?

The group that presented in Media Planning lecture. (I am so evil)

26.How late did you stay up last night and why?

1.45 am. I was watching 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit?'.

27. If you could move somewhere else, would you?

YES, but not right now. I am enjoying Uni too much. Maybe later.

28. Ever been kissed under fireworks?

This meme is teh suck.

29. Which of your friends lives closest to you?


30.Do you believe ex(s) can be friends?


31.Do you prefer to call or text?

Smoke signals are great, but ever since the pesky government slapped fines on open burning..... Dang.

32. How do you feel about Diet Dr Pepper?

I feel about it the same way I feel about Dodo birds.

33.When was the last time you cried?

When I was watching Beauty and the Beast. *hides in shame*

34.What was the last thing someone bought for you?

My phone from Mommy dearest.

35. When is your birthday?

3rd of March 1986

36. Who was the last person you took a picture with?

My sis.

37. Was yesterday better than today?

They were both good.

38. Can you live a day without TV/laptop?

TV yes, laptop??? A day without Christian??? *freaks* NOOOOooooOOOOOoooooOOOOoooo

39.What are you listening to?

My sister laughing to herself.

40. Are you mad about anything?

Bakin' Boys cookies.

41. Do you think relationships are ever really worth it?

I have no idea. But yeah, if I were to have one I'd think its always worth it.

42. Is anything bothering you right now?

Yea sure. Plenty things bug me.

43. Are you a bad influence?

No. *droops* On a scale of one to ten of bad influence I will be a negative gazillion-jillion.

44. Would you share a drink with a stranger?


45. If we were to look in your phone inbox, what would we find?

Loads of smses from Ze Pest.

46. Hows your heart?

Soft, clogged with years of pork fat and bleeding around the edges. Thanks for asking. :)

47. Your last thought?

Not yet. But when the time comes when I am lying on the bed dying I will get back to you.

48. Are you your true self to everyone?

Only to my family. If I were my true self I'd be arrested.

49. Family or friends and why?

-_-' What kinda q is this??

50. Drink to get drunk or drink just to socialise?

Don't drink. :)

51. Can people trust you?


52. If someone told you they loved you & you didn't love them back, would you lie?

Yes. I know what it feels to be at the other end. Thats where I've been all this time. I'd lie and tell them its me, not them.

53. Do your friends feelings matter more than your own?

It sure seems that way when it comes to me :)

54. Do you spend too much time on your appearance?

Does 15 minutes count? My shower, then 3-step, then check to see if clothes are clean (sniff sniff) and then comb hair .

55. Things you want to accomplish this year?

Get some nice results back for my Mom.

56. People you would do anything for?

My family. I'd die for them.

57. Do you follow fashion trends?

What fashion trends? In Utar baby, its all Lala.

58. Do you prefer your childhood, or your life now?

I had a good childhood, (though not a good school-hood) but my life now is pretty good too.

59. What do you do on stormy days/nights?

Curse and swear at Astro.

60. What's something you never told someone, that you wish you had?

Go self-fornicate and hang yourself from a tree when you're done, you useless waste of oxygen. :)

*dies from exhaustion*




Tuesday, August 5, 2008

While I was on the train, I passed by the abandoned Sri Rampai station. Somehow I managed to take this tunnel-like picture. I know, the station looks nothing like this picture. It actually looks like this:

Thought it be interesting to see how a picture can look utterly different just by rotating it.

A shot taken from the last cabin of my train home today, I just wanted to test the capabilities of my auto-focus and so I grabbed this shot: it turned out better than I thought, and I liked the blurring motions, it looked kind of cool to me. (XP) Like Tunnel Vision. Like the white light. Muahaha.

Its kind of pixelated coz I took it on VGA (stupid me, should have taken it on 3MP) and I did some tinkering to the pix on Photoshop (w/o layering, so its unremovable, hehehe)

Fooling around with the 'negative' effect.

So thats all for this post. Too busy to write, so I post up lousy, blurry, boring photos of the train tracks. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

I am Snap Happy.
Really I am. I can't stop taking pictures of LRT train tracks or scenes from the LRT. Either I spend entirely too much time there or I am just a plain lousy photographer-wannabe.

I would like to learn more on photo-taking, but for now, I plan to enjoy being Snap-Happy, without taking myself too seriously. There just is no fun in taking photography too seriously!

Besides, what kind of 'serious' photography can you do on a 3.2megapix handphone camera???? Nope, I say 'have fun'.

Take a nice picture with the normal, sensible things in mind: light, composition, stuff inside the pix to make it interesting.

Thats what I plan on doing.

RM 2050 for specs waaaaaaaaaaay sweeter than mine at RM 2199

Granted, it be a desktop, but when you think of Athlon (like high-end Core 2) and NVidia GE Force..... customize seems to be the way to go.

What gets to me though, is WHAT DID MY MOMMY PAY 2199 for????

At 2050, J's spankin' new PC is so much sweeter. Three four times better specs than mine.

Oh hold on. J didn't buy an ori OS. Haha. He spent the night staring at his PC that can't work.

Stranger beside me

Yes, this person has become a stranger to me. A emo-ish, snappety, slap-dashing stranger whose life seems to be bearing down on him and drowning any bits of the easy-going him that I knew. A stranger who seems to be ultra-sensitive, and ultra-tightly strung.

I don't care who this stranger is. I just want my friend back.

Photo for today!