A sunset shot taken atop Melawati Hill
A very nice shot, I think, though I think my 'photofix' function ruined it a bit.
*contemplates flaw of handphone*
But ah well. Although my phone does not take pictures as nice as,say, a K810 or K800, it looks much better than those two. Ehehehe.
Still, I like this shot. If you wanna see the original just ask me next time you see me. :)
I've been sick.
Like, hungover dog sick. I've got a clogged nose, clogged ears, and an annoying cough that won't go away but stays as a nasty tickle in my throat. Add to that a strange drowsiness (could be the cough meds).
I hate being sick. I know, I know, who doesnt, bla bla, but I mean, I really really hate getting sick. It makes me feel pathetic, and I am of those stubborn types who refuses to believe that they are sick and just insists on ploughing on.
I can't fall sick. Not when I have so much to do:
I think, I really do think, I have taken on too much.
Call me ridiculous, but I cannot take the idea of turning down a single writing job. One, I need the money, two, I need to build a resume. I need to build an impressive resume too.
Because I have neither enough money to get overseas to do what I want to really do, neither do I have great brains (CGPA 4.0? Impossible) nor do I have great looks to allow me to become a glamourous model and forget writing for a living.
And most importantly, I love to write. Its the only thing I do well. I sometimes have no idea if it is because I love writing that I am good at it, or that I am good at it thats why I like it.
:) Still, I do love it, and so I will jump at any chance to do it.
I've been contemplating.
Contemplating a sort of feeling I use to have in my heart, which is now no longer there. Feelings for two men in my life: both whom are very close to me and my soft soft heart, and like it or not, have an inexplicable effect on me.
I sort of feel a sense of loss; this feeling that I had for both of them is now gone from my heart - though perhaps not gone, merely replaced as if they were a memory I knew a long time ago.
I used to love them both so so much. Now I feel that they are so far away from me, as if they were morning dewdrops: I had loved them (and still do) but they're gone now. Distant.
My feelings are no longer as strong, and somehow I regret that they've faded. I miss them somewhat: both my feelings for them and them as well.
I miss you guys, even if you don't know I do.
I miss one of you most of all. You who have been there for me for so long. I want you back: I haven't 'seen' you in years.
Perhaps it is distance, perhaps it is separation. I've been separated from you for some time now. I am clingy, yes, but I miss you, and I wish you'd be there for me again.
Being physically there is different from being mentally there. You've been physically here for me, but mentally, you're a million miles away.
Come back. Please.
As for you. I am still waiting.
I've been busy.
This is the calm before the storm. So here I blog first, before the storm hits.
Goodbye folks. :)
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