Thursday, October 9, 2008

Quickie Update (again)

~ I swear if these quickie updates become a regular thing, someone bonk me on the head and poke me in my ribs~

I've been a-battling.

I have been totally into Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth 2. I can safely say I am getting better, thought have yet to complete a game with Bra-man. 

Favourite unit: Elven archers. 

Stupidest units: Elven cavalry.

Its an awesome game, though there are some buggy things about the game, especially when controlling the batallions in a multiplayer game. Hmm.

Gives me a HUGE kick to recruit Legolas. Muahahaha.

When he arrives he goes: I am Legolas, of the Woodland realm. And I go: 


 ...........and melt to a puddle of Goo. 

I love recruiting Legolas.

Though honestly, I think Aragorn dies like a chicken. A few arrows and he goes down. Its rather -_-'.

Anyways, peeps; will be in KIJAL, Terengganu from Friday to Sunday, for the SUN! the SEA! the SAND! the STARS!

No Moons, please.

Will NOT be lugging Christian around. *sobs uncontrollably.*

So if you urgently need to reach me, for some life-changing advice from my store of immense wisdom (no la, hahaha) please call me. You know the drill (and number)!

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