Monday, December 1, 2008 not exactly well, so this pic will have to do as an update

This amazing feat was achieved by the neighbourhood stray about a week or so ago, when I was in J's car with IS and on the way to the LRT. This particular stray is a permanent fixture on the streets of 13/6. He/she (can't remember) has been seen loping around the area every so often. How he/she managed to get up there, I don't know.

Somehow this mutt had an expression on its face that said: Goodbye, cruel world. Of course, it doesn't know its only atop a car. It won't actually perish by jumping off. However, I like to think it was thinking: Well now, nice view up here.
As I am writing this, I have a heavy head and an even heavier heart. A Panadol can take care of the first, but the second, I doubt even morphine would do the job. Unless you're talking about a VERY large amount of morphine. But I am being morbid again, aren't I?
I do that, from time to time. Lord knows my family is sick of it.
Anyhows. I seem to have caught the nasty (though not severe) viral fever my dad has. He was down with it for a day or two (the second day I suspect he was already well, except that he was pining for my mom -she's away in Penang) and he has been coughing too. Am keeping myself alert for the slightest tickle in throat -coughs are the worst. Fevers I don't mind so much. But coughs....
Didn't sleep last night, thanks to alternately shivering and sweating.
But work calls.
See you Tuesday guys, for online JR.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

get well soon..good luck for online. hmm