Monday, March 3, 2008

While the Cat is Away, the Mouse comes out to Blog

Its 9.30 am in the morning, and thankfully, the Scary Men are not in... YET.

And so, since last night I was out drinking coffee at the Coffee Bean (thanks, brother dearie!) and wallowing in Misery, I could not blog...

I shall blog now. Muahaha.

(If anyone wants to rat on me, go ahead, sure, but I can't guarantee you will survive the end of today. *evil cackle*)


I hereby declare this years' birthday to be the best birthday celebration I have ever had.

I do. I really do.

I shall now proceed to give a blow-by-blow account of what happened yesterday, the 2nd of March.


My first time there ever. I wish I could have uploaded pics, but maybe if you visit the Retarded Journey you'll find some there. Forgive my crappy phone for being crappy.

It was AWESOME. Food great, company great, money well-spent, is what I do declare.

On the menu:

K- Mushroom something burger. Comes with the Tower of Babel disguised as a burger and delicious fries. It was so tall even K could not stuff it into his mouth.

V- Another burger which I don't know the name but had some poor little lost anchovies in it. And fries. Yummm.

J -Monterrey...Monetray... Monteray? Chicken. Came with mashed potatoes (BEST ever mashed potatoes, I do declare, KFC can go hang themselves on a rope made of potato skins) and veggies and a big ass piece of chicken that was truly yummy. Next time we eat there I am getting that.

Me - Lamb shoulder with veggies and mashed potato and garlic bread. YUMMMMMM. The lamb was medium well done, so it was a tad raw-er than I am used to, but it DID add more flavour and tenderness. I ignored the pink and went on eating. D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S. It was marinated with something that tasted a little salty, slightly buttery and with that niiiiiiiiiice lamb muskiness that I and my dad LOVE but my mom hates. XD.

Also on the menu:

1. Bottom-less Tor-something chips. Witrh salsa. Mmmmmm.

2. Chocolate brownies with ice-cream and fudge, compliments of Chilli's and K's sneaky ways. We (me and J) has wanted to be spared the embarrassment, but he snuck off 'to wash hands' and then the cat was let outta the bag when the girl came and asked him about it. Totally spoil the surprise. XD. But it was GREAT so thanks, u dumbass!


Went shopping for V's peep-toe shoes and a few little trinklets for me! OOOOHHHHH by the way, for girls reading my blog...

AXXEZZ is HAVING A SALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! up to 50% off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Till end of the month. Midvalley branch. Go go go go go!!!!

Bought me a gorgeous blue bracelet with a delicate blue flower made of (maybe) thin porcelain and little flowers along the sides. It is made with those uber-charming bronze-ish metal that looks really antique and special. ONLY RM 30 from original price of RM 60. My jaw was dropping. And a pretty little butterfly earing. Heh.

V bought her peep-toes (RM 42!) with 4-inch? heels and it was black with grey trimmings. Very sophisticated yet young. It hurt her, I can tell, but beauty is pain!!!!!!! Hahahaha. It looked totally cute on her.


Best part of having a b-day! Hahahahahaha! Here's my haul for the year:

From J: Misery by Stephen King. A book I've wanted to read ever since he told me about it. I am touched that he remembered. Thanks bunches mi amigo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE it!!!!!!! Truly un-putdownable.

From V and K : A gorgeous pair of blue-butterfly earings from Jonker Street and a T-shirt which says 'MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU'. XD they got an identical one for J, and the reason for it was we committed Lego Star Wars suicide together in Kajang. HAHAHAHA. For more info, read previous post.

From Bro: RM 60. For which I spent on a BEAUTIFUL bracelet (as mentioned above) and on Chili's. Heh.

From sis: More headaches. Hahahahahaha.

From my parents: My choice on the menu on dinner on Saturday. Yay!

Horrible thing though, happened at the end of the day: V's phone got stolen by some &$!#&!$#^%!$#^!#^!@$#!^$#$^!#^$!@#!@%. Bastard.

We, as usual, made stupid jokes, laughed and had a 'whale' of a time. Hahahahaha. Whee.


Its back to work. Sigh.

Oh well.

Wish me luck guys, and THANKS Y'ALL for my pressies.

I heart you guys. I do.

1 comment:

vic said...

Happy Birthday! haha...dunno how many times and places i wanna wish you at. :P
glad you had a great time. money well spent indeed and purpose accomplished. ^^ *glomps*