Monday, July 16, 2007

Catching a long-needed break...

It's Monday, people and it has just become my favourite day, despite those ridiculously ctachy songs that say hey, it's the Monday Blues. But I am no longer having any blues, Monday or Tuesdays or any other days as a matter of fact. I am revitalized by the 5-hour-afternoon snooze I had yesterday, to which my mom finally woke me up only to smirk at me and say with just a hint of sarcasm, in Cantonese, "Enough sleep or not?."

Too woozy to come up with a snappy comeback, I nodded with a silly smile on my face. If someone had asked me, "Hey, wanna go smoke some pot?" I probably would have reacted the same way; so content and groggy was I.

Back to more serious matters.

What does one do, may I ask, when both of one's friends are not on friendly terms and one does not want to upset either? When neither of them are wrong and neither of them are right either; but mule-headedness keeps both from apologising. What does one do?


But then again, maybe me just leave me nose outta this.

Okay, finally took a break from sitting on the train for two days. There are, sadly, very few more mind-numbing things to do than sitting on a screeching hunk of metal, disguising itself as public transportation. But alas! For us who do not drive (yet! -am still plucking up courage to actually battle PJ traffic) we shall suffer in silence. Just found out recently too that another classmate sits on it all the way to Terminal. Shudder.


Just had me article published, well, at least it was published on the 6th of July and I didn't know. As usual. Till Mekz pointed it out. (Thanks Mekz) Was heavily and very badly edited, which I say is rather a sore spot for me. Dunno whether they thought me writing was bad (but impossible, it was so much worse after edit-ion) or they had no space. Either ways, felt wronged, me did. Which brings me to my next gripe, editors and their slashy-slash ways. Why do they need to cut out quite so much?
As far as I know, I write decent enough.
Ah well.

Don't quite know if I'll have time to blog later this week. Have sneaky suspicion will be swamped with work.


vic said...

hmm..anything for brain tiredness? cause that's what i'm feeling now. just wanna space out and not come back down to earth..haha.
this is from the lil sadistic side of me, 'enjoy the moment till the next load comes along...keke'

oh, bout the friends bit, i guess you either keep really neutral or bang their heads together.. :p good luck!

Ithildin Galad said...

Hey Hey vic...
*touched* I am really touched you is leaving comments. At least somebody out there reads my drivel. hahaha. Thanks dearie!!!!