Saturday, July 21, 2007

When all else fails.... try banging your head against the wall.

See, when life deals you with the worse cards you can get (like having no 'taitee' or any of the twos or having all the royal cards in unmatching singles in a game of TaiTee.), well, what do you do?

Why, smash your skull against the wall, o'course.

If only life were as simple as some self-inflicted grevious injury. Somehow or other your life is not what you want it to be; hell, not even bloody close.

I can't seem to shake off thoughts easily these days. They pop up in my head at the oddest of hours, at the oddest of places and with the oddest of scenes that never will happen no matter what I do; not even if I willed it so hard my ears will bleed brain fluids.

These thoughts are frankly, highly vivid, very disturbing and slightly possessed. No matter what I do, they do not seem to go away. And to top it all off, I forgot my jacket today and it's FREEZING. Whoopee.

I simply do not need these feelings or thoughts right now. I have too much to think about. I do not want to walk down that road again; the long, dark, ruinous road where all my heart is torn to bits and my life is shatered like a million pieces of glass. That street is not one I want to travel; hell, I don't even want to remember anything about it. Because at the end of that street I will see my body lying on the ground, eyes wide open, blank stare at the sky and mouth open in agony from my death-scream.n My heart will be on the dirty ground, bruised, bloody and littered with scars both old and new. My guts will be spilled on the floor, abandoned in the haste to dig out my spleen.

No, I do not want to go there again. Too many times. And yet if I do not travel
down that road; I will never rest. So, go or just stay put? Either ways, death, pain and agony awaits.

Now lets find me a nice brick wall so I may smash my skull inwards.

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