Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Should you want to make it to your exams, don't talk to me!

Okay, so there are a few theories I've come up with pending approval from the Ministry of Mental Health and Institutions of Mental Stability.

Theory One: When the going gets tough, it just keeps going.
Never forget that you occasionally will encounter obstacles that are the size of several small mountains. And when you do, they say when push comes to shove....shove something sharp up someone's, erm, rear. BUT! We are optimistist, if nothing else, and so we persevere.

Theory Two: Never hold a conversation with me when you have an exam coming, especially not about movies, webcomics and music.
Remember that I am the eternal motor mouth, and I can go on for hours if someone doesn't stop me. Especially when the company is right, and when the topic of conversation is one I enjoy. So, unless you have tonnes of time, do not engage me in a coherent conversation. I also enjoy listening as much as I do talking, so when I like something I would listen for hours and still enjoy myself.

Theory Three: The more tired you are, the more your mom insists that you help your dad cook something nice.
Parents never get hints like, "I'm kinda tired, mom" or "I am just SWAMPED with work mom" or even, "No, mom."However, I do like tinkling round the kitchen, and picking up tips from my dad, who happens to be getting grumpier and grumpier each passing second but aha he always is grumpy. However, corned beef and green peas is my fav so.....ah well.

Theory Four: One can never have too many Bakin' Boys Cookies.
Developed a real taste for 'em. Love how chocolate-y it is. Despite it's less than desirable looks. Might have to lay off.... I have a feeling I'll regret it the next morning; when I find that I may have lost sight of my feet.

But this is about trains, so.....


10. Bop your head to your MP3 player (which is switched off to conserve battery) and sing the lyrics all to yourself, making sure that your neighbour gets a good jab in the ribs and when she/he glares at you balefully, cross your eyes and announce in English/Chinese/Tamil/Malay about how you believe the world is coming to an end and all that stands between Earth and destruction is your singing.

9. Pick your nose.

8. Find some little old lady to push away from one of those gray seats. When people start to stare and point, make sure you say " OI! Apa tengok-tengok ah!?!?Tak pernah tengok orang ah?!?!"

7. Stare at the different ads until they all blur together to reveal the meaning of life.

6. Recite the entire Sonnet 18 to yourself in a loud voice, and the proceed to leer lasciviously at the guy/girl sitting opposite you.

5. Grab hold on to one of the holding thingys and scream out " TIDAKKKKK!!! NOOOOOOO!!!! MAAAAKKKK!!!" while screeching that this is the LRT to HEll.

4. Pick your nose again.

3. Stick out your leg and trip unsuspecting passengers over.

2. Rush in and out of the doors at every station just to prove you can.

1. Think of what to write in your blog. But that is not funny. No. Not one bit. Nope.

Enjoy my drivel. There will be more top ten lists to come if inspiration strikes.

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