Saturday, July 14, 2007

Flunked Journalism Mid-term and Now Looking for a Tall Building.

Red is a good colour. It's the colour of the stuff spewing out of my left ear now. Have flunked Journalism 2 Midterms and am sure will never live it down; thanks to lack of proper sleep, several million short-circuited neurons and a Kijal trip.
Still, one must always be thankful that even with the drama and the tension, we still pulled through at the last-est of last minutes. Finally, the evil assignment which ruined friendships and caused sleepless nights is ended. ENDED for good. Now we may all once again know and love the joy that is SLEEP. Now, lets see if I can now score tickets to go watch Harry get his ass kicked by Voldemort.
Back to more serious matters.
Today I sat on the LRT and bus alone, unaccompanied after days of having great company. Not nice. I hate Saturday classes. All you get for food is some measly piece of fried chicken which, incidentally, you suspect is actually a sparrow disguising itself as a chicken, and some cabbage. As if that is not reason enough to hate classes on Saturdays, the buses don't come either. Nope. No way.
And for the first time in the one year and 6 months I've been taking the LRT, I missed my stop on the way to Uni. Yeap. Not because I was sleeping, or was viciously attacked by a group of Nithlings, or even because I was stopped by the Lord of the Flies; it was because I was bloody DAY-DREAMING. For some reason, I had a notion in my head that occupied what parts of my brain that was still functional and it wouldn't let me go. I was staring, (maybe some drooling was involved, I cannot be sure, it's all a blur to me...) and my ears were still plugged onto Snow Patrol, which, despite them telling me to Open My Eyes... I was completely and utterly unconscious.
I awoke with a jerk when the voice told me I was heading to Taman Paramount. I may have terrified the Indian girl next to me when I loudly exclaimed "OH BLOODY HELL"
and shot up like I was, erm, shot. For a wild moment I contemplated prying open the doors while the train was still moving and throwing myself out onto the tracks. Electrocution be damned, I'll take my chances.
Interesting note: the 'teh ais' in the mamak today tasted particularly good. Though, as Jee remarked, maybe it was just relief from finally having finished that darned assignment. Heck, even cardboard would have tasted great, me thinks.
Will blog more later when brain isn't leaking.

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