Monday, November 19, 2007

Beowulf, Boredom, Blues and Bloody Endings

Today I watched Beowulf.

And henceforth, since I particularly like this font, I shall use it in all my posts.

Today I watched Beowulf.

Let it be known that MZ can turn the most action-packed and violent CG of the year into a comedy routine of gay confessions and strip teases (though, honestly, it was I who was making a big deal out of it).

Let it be known I admire Robert Zemeckis.

Let it be known that Angelina Jolie has only ONE foreign accent; called the Angelina-in-a-foreign-role accent.

Let it be known that scatterbrain-ism is infectious, possibly deadly and dastardly in it's consequences to a certain HS.

Also, let it be known, henceforth, that Beowulf was kick-ass. For it's pretty darn amazing animation and graphics, and for it's honestly good score and soundtrack. And, of course, for its numerous dodgy bits.

Dodgy bits; in which these bits are cropping up and creeping into our conversations lately. I have no idea why. Dody bits which started with an innocent mention of a certain dodgy part in an anime; by the ever-unsuspecting J.

Beowulf. My hands were a frantic mess of WTF movements (try it; all you do is put your arms out, turn your palms upward and pretend you're shaking an imaginary box violently) and mimed horror at the end of the show. I was speechless. Words failed me.

Be warned, my friends. It was unflinchingly violent (I mean, from the guy who brought us Polar Express!) and, no, really, I am SERIOUS, it be VIOLENT. Do not bring your younger siblings to watch.

BORedOM, BoredOm.
Is the name of the game now.
I am bored of the mind-numbing classes, the stuporforic lecturers.
I am bored of riding the crowded LRT in the mornings (the evenings ain't so bad, coz I got company).
The only thing keeping me at Uni is, very frankly put, my friends. Oh, and an education, of course. But otherwise, this whole semester has been a total an utter BORE.
Are hitting me hard in terms of my writing. I am ashamed to admit I have grown soft, gone seed, gone blinking natters by the complacency that is OZ. When all you do is give your opinions on something and wham! money, it does terrible things to you as a writer.
I am not complaining. Don't ever get me wrong. I am very, very content these past few weeks; for I have finally let go of some things that have held me in a noose and came to terms with myself. And not to mention, finally it dawns upon me I am a lucky b**** sometimes. And, I have more friends now that I have ever had before and it is a nice feeling indeed. To add to my bliss, things are back to normal and it feels much better now. Not to mention, assignments are mostly done and over with.
But although many of my issues are unresolved (and much to my chagrin, I do not think they will ever be resolved soon, thanks to my constant obsessing)I am most content, generally. Not over the moon or anything (I am never happy; one can NEVER be happy without a laptop to achieve true happiness), but content.
Add to that, I enlisted the help of my brother and now I am gonna get a much better laptop.
Blues. Only in my writing. Everything else, is pretty much sunny.
BLoody Endings
RG Veda volume 10. The end. The finale. And it was the most bloody, senseless and ridiculous waste of lives I have ever witnessed. Everyone either killed themselves or killed others to 'save' them.
And damn, and sorry to any RG Veda fan reading this, damn, damn, damn (forgive my cussing)
The evil bad-ass villain is BLOODY GAY!!!!!!!!!!
I have nothing against gay people, heck no, but you don't make the ultimate evil baddie have a crush on the ultimate good guy of the manga. Sheesh.
CLAMP has a lot to answer to fans.
I go. My heart can't take this.

1 comment:

jf said...

Hold devil's pot of tea, Mulan looses to this - Laugh yourself skinny on this one.

It will slim you down!