What a movie. What a movie. Wait. What was the movie again?
Oh yeah, Stardust.
Erm. Yeah.
Pretty good, but strangely unmemorable. Quite a few laughs, but none that I remember except for Robert DeNiro in a dress. (Why do movies involving drag of some sort keep cropping up lately?)
Some fairly good acting, but nothing that sticks in my mind as particularly award-winning.
In fact, overall, it was a nice, pleasant, enjoyable yet totally and utterly unmemorable movie. No one will be talking about this movie for years to come; unlike epics such as LOTR. It was merely a pleasant way to spend two hours or so.
Also, first time meeting with A. Very, very nice guy. That's all I am going to say for now. (:p)
Some Strange Happenings
I am not used to intentional attention. Seriously.
See, I attract attention a lot; but they are, in almost all cases, unintentional. I just can't help sticking out. But when attention is given to me intentionally, well, it kind of scares me.
It is always the irony of life, is it not?
When what you want is exactly what you cannot get; and what you don't want comes stomping all over your toes and permeating all your pores.
And now, more than ever, I learnt the lesson of being in another's shoes. Which is a lesson that is strange, ironic and painful for me to learn. And not to mention, embarrasing.
It is like a sudden realization; it hit me like my sister's foot in the morning. It's as if my past has come to haunt me.
More than ever I realise that the way I have been in the past are oddly disturbing to me. And now, the worst of my past seems to have manisfested itself into one single entity.
I cannot face this entity. Yet I am far too muddled to not face it. I fear having to answer the question 'Am I really a shallow person deep down?' I have always been convinced that I am not, no matter how I drool over cute guys. Nobody is ugly, unless they make themselves so. But this entity may just prove that I am just as shallow as the rest of the world.
Yet am I not allowed moments of superficiality?
For, in the end, the words 'Do unto others what you want done unto you' are hollow and they chain us to our conscience like thread made of willpower alone.
It is more like 'Do unto others whatever you want but be warned: it'll bite you in the arse'.
What should I do, when my own personal 'ghost of Pauline past' come crashing my own little private party?
I am, in the end, making a mountain of a molehill.
Yet when the molehill is merely an illusion..... it could be a bloody mountain for all I know.
I am tired. So tired. Tired of the way life's ironies come screeching into my driveway. Tired of how life seems to enjoy messing me up and throwing me out of the window.
Ironies. Huh. Ironies.
And still, after all that meandering, I am at loss of what to do.
I think, my friends, I have hurt somebody today that I didn't mean to.
Sigh. I sigh.
I have a lot of comments but I can't remember all the posts so I'm going to randomly leave my thoughts on a randomly picked post.
IKEA: snorts
Stardust: HUMPH!
Not-Quite-So-Dusty: Posting as I type. I dedicate it to your
Missing chair: double snort (after thinking long and hard, i realise my first reaction is 'snort' provided no one gets hurt *which u didn't so... snort*)
Nope. Not happening today. I just accidentally deleted my post. I had typed for a good half hour too. Humph
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