Thursday, November 22, 2007

Much Ado About Nothing and Fonts, and Idiots on the LRT: Part One.

I use the Trebuchet.

Happy now, Bozu?

After receiving some disparaging thoughts in regards to my choice of fonts, I have decided, after much mulling, that my blog is my blog but ahaha! This Trebuchet is nicer than Courier. So I am trying out Trebuchet. May change back to Courier later, as my whims see fit.


Now, we move on.

Much ado about nothing at all. Don't we all? We all possess the irksome gift of making every little molehill a mountain. Though for some of us, it is much more pronounced.

And for you lucky people out there who are able to control these electromanic waves of exaggeration, Grr to you.

For, unlike you, I am unable to do so. I am totally incapable of looking at things calmly and with objectivity. I am a creature ruled solely by emotions and very little intellect. It is of the most likely of possibilities that I completely lose my head and snap. Oh, I don't mean go into a raving tantrum (I don't get angry easily) but into a state of utter panic.


That being said, I have a feeling that recently I have made things bigger than they actually are; in the process I've come off as paranoid, perasantan and well, to some, bitchy. It's not everyday you get people in the neck of your woods, now, is it? (Gee, what an obvious clue to what I am talking about)


Today was, without a doubt, the most trying day of my life. Trying, not tiring, though I am very the tired, it was more trying than tiring.

Encountered the two stupidest human beings alive in the LRT today; some bimbo chick and her dopey boyfriend. She was trying to get outta the train, me right behind her and her stupid boyfriend played the fool by pulling at her bag, and as is as icky as you would expect, they tussled, squealed and played sick love games for a while and BLOCKED my way.

Now, let it be known that the doors only open for that long. There are DROVES of people trying to leave that screeching hunk o' metal. YOU DON'T PLAY FOODLES AND MANJA- MANJA IN THE BLOODY TRAIN AT PEAK HOUR. YOU ARE MAD/STUPID/IDIOTIC TO DO SO.

Let it be known that one of the greatest offenses you can commit against me is to get in my way when I am trying to go somewhere urgently. If we are simply just fooling around as a joke, it's perfectly fine. But when I encounter idiots who try to play friggin' LOVE games in the train, well. I see RED, people. RED.

Nearly got caught between the doors again, and all because of The Most Idiotic Couple Alive.

I actually don't mind if couples openly display affection or whatever. I am not a prude. I in fact think it's sometimes rather sweet to see two people in love. BUT DAMN IT, GET OUT OF MY WAY! Go canoodle and foodle and shishkebooble somewhere else instead of smack centre of my designated path, garn it!

So what did I do? Pushed Bimbo Chick away and stormed out. It was already so late (due to my extremely slow pace of walking to Cold Storage) and I've got 4 other hungry mouths to feed, okay? I think manners can be given to Hades for the moment, don't you think? Hmmph.

Anyway. I go now. I got reviews (4, to be exact) to write and I can hear my Maya demanding to be let out.

Goodbye, all.

1 comment:

jf said...

aha! Trebuchet nice ehhhh! Sorry they were all out of samples! I guess it was their roadshow where they exhausted their pads! lol!