Friday, November 16, 2007

Plant Tycoon, Pengajian Moral and Perpetual Scatter-brain


It's been a three-day disappearance for me. And we all know that is rare. I am one of those no-life people who live to blog about every insignificant detail. *sweat*

But, three days and some verrrry interesting things have happened. I warn you. If you read about Plant Tycoon, you will ask me what it is about and you will be addicted. If you are a girl, that is. So far the boys I know that have tried it don't like it. They like killing plants, though. Horrible creatures.

Let's go.

PlaNt TycooN

Is the most addictive, awesomely slow-paced, ridiculously fascinating and horribly monotonous game in the entire universe. (By that I mean the entire life of this particular Whale.)

I love it.

I cannot stop playing it. I must cross-breed and grow them so I can see their pretty flowers. For a more detailed and less manic description of the game, just go to MZ's blog. Oh, I can't believe it, this is the third thing MZ has got me hooked on like madness.

First was anime and manga (yes, it was MZ who showed me that there is more than Doraemon, Penyiasat Remaja and Sailormoon).

Then came sushi. (Her parents tapau-ed one day when I was at her place and I've been hooked ever since).

And now Plant Tycoon. And guess what? I have a feeling there will be many, many more things to come in the future. Witness the power of peer influence!! :P

But it is a very nice game. Best part is, you can multitask like mad on your comp while actually playing it. No need to pause and whatnot. And the requirements are practically nil.

PEngajiaN MoraL

I hate it.

It has caused me three days of sleeplessness; of which cumulatively I think I slept less than 12 hours in three days. Why, do you ask?

Simple. The bloody assignment.

Let it be known I know next to nothing about all the nilai craps***. Nothing.

Let it be known my group members don't, either. Well, except maybe J, 'cause he was on a roll.

Let it be known the essay was finished on the day of the deadline with 10 minutes to spare.

Let it be known my BM is so rusty it got arrested for rust contamination.

Let it be known that I hate Moral.

Thank you J and K (though you be crapping BIG time, K) for all your hard work. It was not fun, now was it? So don't procrastinate!

PerpetUaL ScatTerbraIn.

I am scatterbrained lately. I know, I know, I am always scatterbrained; but lately more so. Just ask MZ and J. They talk one thing, I talk another. People talk about jelly, I talk about biscotti. People ask me A, I answer C, D and F.

I just am totally blur lately.

I suspect the lack of sleep.

Maybe tonight, I will get some.

G'nite all.

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